Un error de software por un sistema de Facebook clasificó incorrectamente Artículos de noticias

Por Stock Catalog/Flickr

Según informó Business Insider, Facebook bloqueó el día martes a los usuarios para que no compartan artículos legítimos de noticias acerca del coronavirus.

En el informe de Insider, confirmó que el problema tenía algo que ver con sus filtros de spam. A continuación se muestra una publicación incrustada de mi perfil público de Facebook.

Lo sorprendente no fueron los comentarios ni los “me gusta” de esta publicación. Más bien fue el número de acciones para compartirlo que creció exponencialmente. Uno de los usuarios había publicado el siguiente comentario sobre las razones por las que Facebook bloqueó estos artículos:

“Sí, un artículo que volví a publicar se bloqueó debido a sus” estándares de la comunidad “, pero fue solo el reenvío de una publicación de noticias. Extraño”.

Si se preguntaba qué medios de comunicación se vieron afectados, fueron los siguientes:

  1. Business Insider
  2. BuzzFeed
  3. The Atlantic
  4. The Times of Israel

Estas agencias de noticias afectadas por el error fueron reportadas por Insider. Todavía no está claro qué otros sitios o fuentes se incluyeron en este problema.

Debido al distanciamiento social y las medidas de cuarentena en los Estados Unidos, la posible causa de este etiquetado incorrecto fue la falta de editores de contenido en la red social de Facebook. Es decir, como resultado del envío de empleados ausentes, moderadores de contenido, la empresa confió en el software automatizado. Teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de pánico y ansiedad sobre el virus en línea, esto era definitivamente algo que debería evitarse en el futuro para eventos y sucesos de esta magnitud.

El Vicepresidente de Integridad de Facebook respondió al problema del software del sistema
A continuación se muestra un extracto de la respuesta Alex Stamos:

La publicación incrustada fue reportada por la agencia The Verge. Además, después de que se publicó este informe, Facebook confirmó que había resuelto el problema y restableció las publicaciones afectadas.

Parece que Facebook iba un paso más allá para combatir a dos enemigos: teorías de conspiración y noticias falsas. Resulta como parte de sus esfuerzos para ayudar con la información sobre el coronavirus tiene problemas para enfrentar la información errónea en la plataforma.


Si se encuentra con este problema, informe el problema a Facebook. Además, comuníquese con las líneas de soporte tradicionales o use Google para ver qué resultados surgen para obtener asistencia.

Tenga en cuenta el contenido que ve por las redes sociales. Antes de compartir una publicación, tómese tiempo para abrir la fuente y leer la información. De lo contrario, puede estar difundiendo rumores o noticias falsas que causen pánico.

Social Profiling Platform Rolls Out Instagram Analytics

By Esther Vargas via Flickr

By Esther Vargas via Flickr

As the world´s users continue to flood the social media sphere the need to analyze their online behavior becomes indispensable. Everything nowadays is about analyzing consumer behavior and how they go about learning to research new products or services on these platforms. Recently the company Demographics Pro rolled out Instagram audience analytics providing brands and agencies to dig deeper into learning more specialized information about the users on this social network.

According to the press release the service is the first ever to give deep insight about users on Instagram. Specifically, the information break it down by age, gender, marital status, language, ethnicity, location by country, U.S state, occupations and more. From the moment the Demographics Pro launched the audience profiling service for Twitter in 2011 more than 10,000 brands along with agencies rely on the company´s demographics.

“Over the past two years, Instagram has become a key marketing component for many of the world’s top brands. With this addition, we fill a data void for marketers and analysts who need to understand brand audiences, as well as justify selection and sponsorship of Instagram influencers.”
In addition, the company coincidentally showcased topical Instagram audience insights. Why? To help aid and demonstrate how marketers can analyze and compare Instagram audiences. Below is an analysis and comparison of the following:

Audiences of Instagram influencers Josh Ostrovsky, Michelle Phan and Chris Ozer.

  1. Instagram followers of UFC star Ronda Rousey and celebrity Caitlyn Jenner.
  2. Brand audiences of @Soulcycle and @NewBelgium Instagram accounts.
  3. People sharing photos of their cats with Trump-style makeovers using #TrumpYourCat.

By Demographics.com

By Demographics.com

Elsewhere, Instagram announced a week ago that now advertisers irrespective of the size can now run campaigns on the social networking service. It will be available in more than 30 new countries (Italy, Spain, Mexico, India, and South Korea). With this enhancement it will utilize the best of both worlds since it will leverage Facebook´s ad infrastructure. All of this will allow for anyone to better target their message and effectively reach people accurately.

By Business Instagram

By Business Instagram

Messaging Apps and Social Media Remain Popular

Matt Nazario-Miller via Flickr

Instagram VS. Vine: Which app rules the short video scene? You decide.

Communications nowadays has become not just sophisticated, but also diversified giving the various platforms and messaging apps. Young people especially are discovering all of the different means in this online ecosystem. A recently published report by the Pew Research Center for the first time in 2015 examined mobile messaging apps along with the activity.

This latest survey revealed that 36 percent of smartphone owners utilize apps like WhatsApp, Kik and iMessage. In addition, 17 percent of the users use mobile apps that automatically delete sent messages such as Snapchat and Wickr.

Giving the cutting-edge technology that has arisen different kinds of communication tools are available and this also poses challenges for news agencies and marketers alike. Because since the news business or publishers have been struggling to find a business model and each of these social channels operate differently posing obstacles to tap into new audiences.

Not surprisingly social media networks like Pinterest and Instagram remain an attractive destination for online users. According to the survey, the proportion of online adults that use both of the platforms has doubled since the Pew began tracking social medial adoption back in 2012. Another noteworthy finding is user engagement for Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest has skyrocketed significantly since Sept. 2014.

Social media services remain a force to be reckoned with giving all of the users around the globe. Furthermore, almost all major private and public industries are using to connect with audiences and generate leads. Whatever the case is social media is a new form of communication that is here to stay for many years to come.

Below is a list of additional research findings:

“In terms of user engagement, the proportion of Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn users who use each respective site daily has increased significantly since September 2014. Fully 59% of Instagram users, 27% of Pinterest users and 22% of LinkedIn users visit these platforms daily.”

Pew Research Center Survey, March 17, 2015 to April 12

Pew Research Center Survey, March 17, 2015 to April 12

“Facebook remains the most popular social media site – 72% of online adults are Facebook users, amounting to 62% of all American adults. Growth on the site has largely plateaued. There has not been a significant change in the overall share of users since 2012. Those on Facebook remain highly engaged with 70% saying they log on daily, including 43% who do so several times a day.”

“Some 15% of internet users read or comment in discussion forums such as Reddit, Digg or Slashdot, while 10% use the blogging website Tumblr. Young adults are particularly likely to use both Tumblr and discussion forums more generally, and men are more likely than women to participate in discussion forums online.”

The information collected or analysis is based on telephone interviews conducted on March 17, 2015 through April 12, 2015. The sample size was of 1,907 adults ages 18 and older living in the United States (U.S). The margin of sampling error was plus or minus 2.6 percent points.